CEO & Co-Founder
Before SuperAnnotate, Vahan was working on his Ph.D. research in image segmentation at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. The algorithms he developed during his studies became the basis of SuperAnnotate’s platform. The growing demand for his technology in various computer vision applications eventually led him to drop out of his Ph.D. program to start the company.
19 October 2023 12:30 - 13:00
Future of LLMs - the data prospective
LLMs are getting smarter and quantization algorithms are making those LLMs to be trained on smaller and smaller resources. The architecture and pipelines for building new multimodal LLMs and ensemble of collaborative LLMs are becoming more and more complex. Tree of Thoughts is an example of such custom architectures, which shows big potential to improve LLM accuracy significantly. Building Data Infrastructure of such customizable LLM architecture is still an open yet extremely important problem. We will discuss how such data architectures can be built on scale.
made with Acara

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