Chief AI Architect
As Managing Partner and Chief AI Architect at Sigmoidal, Marcin is in charge of developing its strategic vision & growth, now supporting industries worldwide. Join him for his session as he kicks off Generative AI Summit, where he’ll unveil the future of Knowledge Assistants for Enterprises.
19 October 2023 11:00 - 11:30
Why 38% of employees’ time is lost on knowledge retrieval? 10 lessons learned on next-generation knowledge assistant for enterprises
The data speaks for itself - the team’s productivity can be increased. In global corporations, knowledge retrieval means hours of wasted productivity in employees’ work and extensive communication between departments. Companies are pouring billions of dollars into AI solutions, but there are no turn-key products since the data sources are fragmented. You can’t just plug in a chat API and hope that magic happens. Now imagine an AI Knowledge Assistant that can answer every question regarding your business and provide accurate responses with specific references through natural conversations. All based on your data. Join Marcin Stachowiak, who will unveil the future of Knowledge Assistants for Enterprises. Now is the moment to save time searching for information. Marcin will share 10 valuable insights from his experience to help business leaders embrace this transformative technology.
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