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Adj. Professor, Immersive Tech & Applied AI
University of Silicon Valley
Tania Peitzker is a globally active technologist in Applied AI and an entrepreneur in emerging technologies like immersive design (VR/AR & metaverses), conversational AI (NLP-based algorithms including LLMs for Gen AI) & cognitive interfaces for the next gen UX (user experience). Tania teaches and researches in innovative departments and institutes at universities in the USA, Europe and Australia. Her work is archived on ResearchGate and her portfolio This site is where she will be livestreaming her Peitzker Prizes to acknowledge peers who have made innovative contributions to solving the climate crisis through new tech and the creative industries. Dr Peitzker is working on a sequel to her BEP business chatbots book (New York, 2020) and a number of creative works, apart from creating and installing multilingual cognitive interfaces for clients around the world. Tania has a MOOC on Emerging Tech & AI on SpringerNature’s iversity platform, with more On Demand short courses in progress. As of autumn 2023, Tania is the AI Ambassador for the tech headhunters KELLER WEST, the DACH region unit of London-based global recruitment firm, the SR Group.
05 October 2023 12:00 - 12:30
Teaching, playing, learning and working in 3D metaverses: how our hybrid selves exist in Web 4.0
After more than a year of weekly seminars and hands on workshops in Immersive Technologies and Applied AI at the University of Silicon Valley, Dr Peitzker reveals how and what she teaches in a bespoke metaverse environment. She will examine how 3D and 2D metaverse gaming platforms are becoming a substitute for video conferencing, looking at both the drawbacks and benefits. Adjunct Professor Peitzker also explores the commercialised Use Cases for hybrid communication in Extended Reality. Most importantly, she signposts why she thinks Immersive Technologies will replace the ubiquitous smartphone and lead to screenless interactions in the near future.

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