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Key Account Manager
Customer Centric by nature, Hadrien has been supporting fortune 500, SMC, and Startup clients in the implementation of SaaS solutions for the past 10 years. Hadrien has been involved in every aspect of customer support and likes to focus his efforts on maximizing the quality of services rendered and the ROI for his clients. Now SmartOne’s KAM for EMEA, Hadrien ensures that his customers can successfully complete all their machine learning projects.
05 October 2023 15:00 - 15:30
Scaling and industrializing an AI solution: it’s almost all about data quality!
Data is at the core of every ML project and from a POC to an industrialized AI solution, data processing is often the main bottleneck. Thanks to precise and targeted training, a diverse skillset and proprietary tools, SmartOne accurately and efficiently annotates visual inputs for your computer vision applications. SmartOne’s extensive track record allows them to adapt to multiple use cases and help orgs find the right one for them, from autonomous vehicle training and environment recognition to pharmaceutical research, agriculture, e-commerce and more. Let’s explore, through real-world use cases, how your data labeling partner can accelerate your product development and deployment.

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