Senior Staff Data Engineer
Abhishek Choudhary, aka ABC, hsa more than 16+ years of professional software engineering experience. He started his career as a Java developer, working on Java Swing, and Eclipse RCP, and then moved on to Big Data around 2011. Since then, he has been working on Data Stack using various technologies. Following a year at Daimler, Abhishek is now Senior Staff Data Engineer at Bayer, where he has been for 3 years.
05 October 2023 16:00 - 16:45
Panel discussion: Putting generative models in action - exploring diverse industry deployments through real-world use cases
Hype aside, the extent to which generative AI is going to transform industry and daily lives is largely uncertain right now. In this fireside chat, out guests will explore the challenges of applied generative AI in industry, and actionable advice on how to build cost-effective infrastructure that supports your organisation's needs. This is an interactive session - contribute to the conversation, and get the opinions of our speakers on the ideas you have for new innovations during a live Q&A.